Dedicated to the cultivation of bromeliads, Kent’s offers more than 100 colorful commercial varieties.
This bromeliad’s name is derived from a Greek word for “spear,” and it’s quite fitting. The thin, spiky colorful flowers grow with deep cups and spiny edges
Native to tropical rainforests, Guzmanias can be recognized for their thin, glossy, smooth-edged leaves, which form a water-holding rosette.
Kent’s grows several distinct varieties of Neoregelias, popular for their sturdy appearance and exhilarating, bright-red color.
The largest genus of the bromeliad family, there are more than 500 different species of Tillandsias, which come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
Vriesea was transplanted to the U.S. from coastal Brazil and it brings a tropical, colorful esthetic to any room.