Bromeliads Facts

- Bromeliads are members of the Bromeliacae family, which also includes pineapples and Spanish moss.
- Biologists have cataloged more than 3,500 species of bromeliads, with new ones being added continually.
- At least one-third of the species of bromeliads are air plants that grow on trees or rocks using only their roots to hold themselves in place. Bromeliads draw their water from clouds and fog, as well as from rainwater stored in the “tanks” formed by tight rosettes of leaves.
- In upper reaches of tropical rain forests, these tanks serve as miniature ecosystems that provide a critical source of water for such diverse creatures as birds, snakes, lizards, frogs, snails, dragonflies, beetles, ants, butterflies, crabs, possums and even other plants.
- Scientific studies suggest bromeliads can help improve indoor air quality as you sleep. In the photosynthetic process, most common indoor plants remove carbon dioxide while emitting oxygen and water vapors during the day. However, research indicates that bromeliads behave differently during the day–night cycle, releasing oxygen and removing air pollutants at night. Data collected by the Plants for Clean Air Council suggest that when combined with foliage plants, bromeliads can help provide around-the-clock indoor air purification.